Well paid slaves — How hard is to find a good employer?

2 min readJun 26, 2021
Photo by JJ Ying on Unsplash

How difficult is it to find a good job, work or career? Even more challenging: how difficult is it to find a good manager, a good boss? I am not here to answer these questions for all of us. I am here to put even more thought into this whole situation.

We know that dream jobs are hard to get, and as the years keep going by and our mortal life starts getting in the end, the dreams in some cases are switched by jobs to pay bills and survive. Another fact in this topic is the weight of the obligations, no matter how much you love to do something, you probably would love more if you were not obligated to do it.

Is it not employment an evolution of the slavery? We know almost everyone needs to work, that is part of life, fine. But slavery in any tiny particularity or existence must have been extinct by now. Employees should be valuable for their job not just with money and good working conditions, but also with respect and deference. At the end of the day, employees make money for managers, bosses and owners.

People walked and fought a long way to get here and have a minimum of rights, do not lose it. We deserve to be treated nice and find a good feeling in the morning when waking up and knowing you are going to work, spend most part of your day working hard to bring food to home, pay bills and trying to build something in life.

How about the people who in the top of all discussed above live in a different country, learned a different language to be able to live and work miles from their motherland? Are they not exploited by some of the natives of that new country of possibilities?

How about the people who work at heavy jobs and, in exchange, do not get any money, just a ceiling over their heads and/or a bit of food just to keep alive?

When will we start treating people as human beings independent of nationality or social status? When will we have rights protecting us from abuse at the workplace? Employers and employees are professionals — at least they should be -, it does not matter the level of proficiency. Wherever exists a relation work-employee, the treatment needs to be professional from both parts.




UnAcademic_Writings was born with the intention to share thought about various subjects, my field: IT, my thoughts: anything, my pseudonym: Antony Durden.